Marriage Disco

We are now living with an “apparatus”. Moon went to the orthodontist this morning and they put wires  inside her mouth to create “space” which is apparently very expensive real estate. The good news is that she doesn’t seem to be in any discomfort. The bad news is now every piece of food/drink must be examined and discussed at length regarding her ability to eat it. We were told that she should avoid “sticky” foods like caramel and gum, but Moon refuses to be satisfied until she’s debated the stickiness of every single thing. Apparently an “apparatus” does not hinder speech.

The Tyres’ are good at speaking, so good in fact, we’ve been invited to moderate a panel discussion next week on MARRIAGE. We’ve been told that the couples will submit questions in advance for us to ask, but I’m thinking we’ll just shoot from the hip. Or better yet I could did out some of the questions from my old Newlywed Game.

Question: If you could make your spouse smarter or better looking, which would you choose?

I’m pretty sure JD would ask if both were an option.

Maybe this panel discussion will be the start of a whole new phase for JD and me. We can start a marriage blog, write a book, maybe take this show on the road.



Or maybe not.



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