Just your Typical Monday

This morning I started to update my Facebook status with the following:

My house is a wreck, my daughter was late for school, I’m fat and the dog just peed in the kitchen. Just another day in Paradise.

But then I thought, why sugarcoat it? Most days are worse!

I did manage to exercise, and shower, and get some work done, but the house is still a wreck and I’m still fat. Oh well, at least I’ve got a good family.

This afternoon I put a photo on Facebook of some beets my mom sent. I posted that I’m obviously her favorite and it wasn’t ten minutes before I got a phone call ensuring me that that was NOT the case. I figured someone in the family would let me know I was mistaken, I just didn’t expect it to be my MOM. Well, that was a good fantasy while it lasted.

Moon came home from school and we spent some time doing homework, then headed out to buy some Duct Tape cause she’s got to make something for math class. Yes, MATH. It’s like teachers are just screwing with us now. We had a lovely evening until I asked Moon if she wanted any dessert. She said yes, and I made her an ice-cream/cookie sandwich that was yummy right up until her tooth started hurting and JD had to run to WalMart for some Orajel. Sigh.

Moon’s life may not be perfect, but at least she’ll be able to look back and know she was our favorite! At least until my mom calls and tells her otherwise.

2 thoughts on “Just your Typical Monday

  1. You must be your dad’s favorite he worked so hard on raising those beets after I mentioned you loved them. Don’t tell sister or brother I told you.

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