I want out, but they suck me back in!

I haven’t been posting about coupons lately, because we really haven’t been using them as much. I’ve noticed that the same things tend to go on sale, and we still have tons left. Cereal? 8 boxes. Ice-cream? A freezer full. Mustard? You don’t want to know. As a family, we seem to have a FAIR amount of restraint. Well, most of us.


These two? They not only eat all of their food, they routinely break into the bathroom and eat me out of Tums and Hall’s. Luckily, the Coupon Cartel gave me a lead on a great dog food deal.


I got everything you see here, 9  medium size bags of dog food, 4 small pouches, and about 15 small cans, for the amazingly low price of FREE! That’s right – completely and totally free. It was easy – I just matched a coupon in the paper, with an online coupon from Target. No fuss and the dog’s LOVE it.

The fact that I had to drive to 4 Target’s, from Acworth to Alpharetta, in the rain, and over 2 days is completely beside the point.

Kid Rock


At first, the band is just happy to play. They’re happy to have a gig, play some tunes, etc.


Then the lead singer starts talking “solo album”, the drummer is late for concerts, and the guitarist marries someone the fans hate.


Before you know it, they’ve split up citing “creative differences”, and are on VH1’s, Where are They Now show.


Last year’s rock-n-roll band is out, replaced by a hot, new, boy band. It’s a vicious cycle, but the boy band has an advantage. They can stay up way later.


After a lovely meeting with my writer’s group where they told me – I’m fabulous, my dialogue is wonderful, my story is like “perky breasts”, it just bounces along happily, and that their children are seriously enjoying reading it, I get to my car and find this on the Blackberry:

Dear Author:

Thank you so much for sending the Nelson Literary Agency your query. We’d like to apologize for the impersonal nature of this standard rejection letter. Rest assured that we do read every query letter carefully and, unfortunately, this project is not right for us.  Because this business is so subjective and opinions vary widely, we recommend that you pursue other agents. After all, it just takes one “yes” to find the right match.

Good luck with all your publishing endeavors.


Kristin Nelson
Sara Megibow
Nelson Literary Agency

Maybe I should START the query with the perky breast comment. Couldn’t hurt. On second thought, I’d probably just get sued for fraud. Never mind.

Poor Baby


My puppy has issues. A few weeks ago, a large bump appeared on the inside of her eyelid. We decided to wait before taking her to the vet, and just keep an eye on it. Why? I have no idea. I guess we were hoping it would just fall off. No such luck. In fact, she got ANOTHER one.


She had to have eye-surgery to have them removed, hence the Cone of Shame. It has to be worn for EIGHT days.


It’s really too bad. If anyone in this house needs an eye lift, it’s ME. I wonder if they make those cones for humans. I feel sorry for her, but it’s not easy on US either.


I missed half of Conan.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.


I blog about everybody and everything. Almost. So far I’ve mentioned my mom, Tania-the-Mad, the husband, Moonpie, aunt’s, uncles, grandmothers, cousins, my dogs, my dad, vodka and my butt. But there’s one person I have tried to ignore – my brother. Everyone in the family understands why. He’s what we like to call, “an evil genius.” You just don’t know WHAT he will do, if provoked. Or unprovoked.

For instance, YEARS ago, back before everyone was on the internet constantly, he asked our sweet, cousin Karen if he could borrow her house keys. He was going to be working in her area, and needed a place to crash during the day. She should have known better. A few days later, a website appeared. It was all about KAREN, with pictures of her favorite movies, her cat, her car. It was a virtual tour of her home, and done for one reason – my brother’s amusement.

So you can imagine how thrilled I was to learn he now has a BLOG. My brother has a blog AND keys to my house. And pictures and stories and an EVIL, mischievous mind.  Which is why I am really, really glad that I have loved and supported him at every opportunity.

Unlike Tania-the-Mad. She’s always talked trash about him. I once heard her DARE him to write something about her. True story.

Talking Photos

I was going through some of the photographs I’ve taken over the last few weeks, and I found this one.


I don’t know why, but I just love it. It speaks to me. It says, “Look at the true expression of joy on her face.”, “The composition is a great illustration of how beautiful negative space can be,”  and “Post this and you won’t have to think of anything else to write and can go to bed.”

True artists understand these things.

Conversations with the family


Aunt Ann: Does Ellery drive like Lisa?

Mom: No, he’s a good driver.

Aunt Fay: Lisa’s a good driver, otherwise she would have wrecked by now.


Me: Is he good looking?

Aunt Ann: He’s no movie star. He’s alright,  sort of like J.D.

And they wonder why I keep missing the family reunion.

Number 200!

Wow, this is my 200th blog post. Obviously I have a lot of very important things to say about life. And vodka. Today’s enlightened post, sure to bring joy world wide is –

Why We Yard Sale.

1. We’re nosy.


Yard Sales give us an excuse to go into stranger’s home and judge them buy their things, see how they decorate, and check out their passions and interests. The folks from today had great affection for Precious Moment’s statues, frogs, and egg cups. Fascinating.

2. We find good deals.


Shoes. A dollar. ONE DOLLAR. Shoes. Need I say more?

3. Occasionally, we score Big.

trikeThe tricycle on the left was purchased by my mother. My sweet, sweet mother, for 18 dollars. The tricycle on the right is currently for sale online.  For TWELVE HUNDRED dollars. I hope she enjoys it. Just because I drove her to the sale, carried it to the truck in the rain, housed it for two nights, and photographed it during my birthday weekend, there’s no reason to will it to me.

Just kidding, it’s totally mine. Suck on that, Sister!

And so it begins…


The ladies showed up today, armed with snacks and presents for Rachel, and ready to YARD SALE!  They brought fruit, salad, cookies, drinks, chips, and various other food items. And I’ve already been told that next visit, they’ll also bring vinegar and coffee. Obviously they’re not fans of free butter and pop-tarts.


This is mom hearing the news that there’s an Estate Sale just around the corner.


These are the Aunt’s, pillaging through some poor woman’s stuff. 1.25 for THAT? She must be crazy.

It’s heaven.

Well, Happy Dang Birthday.

I got my THIRD REJECTION today.

Dear Lisa,

Thank you for your query. Dan Lazar asked me to reply after he evaluated your submission.

We’re afraid your project does not seem right for our list, but thank you for thinking of Dan, and best of luck in your search for representation.

Stephen Barr
Assistant to Dan Lazar

Yeah, the ASSISTANT. So to recap my journey with literary agents:

Agent 1 says she likes my chapter and I should sent out queries.

Agent 2 says she was considering it for a time, but opted to pass.

Agent 3 says she has to feel strongly about a project, and she so does NOT.

Agent 4 has ASSISTANT give me the kiss off.

I fully expect Agent 5 to show up with a tire iron and take out my kneecaps.

Here I sit on my BIRTHDAY, old and rejected. I can’t think of a THING that would make me feel better. Except for presents. Lots and lots of presents.

I’ll be home all day.